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To New York Post after publication of article citing every reason BUT disarmed, easy prey as cause for attacks

From Jim Greaves

Originally published on this website June 20, 2000

To: New York Post, [email protected]

Dear Mr. Dreher:

Its a shame that those in "positions of authority" -- from aldermen to journalists -- all recoil at the recent event in Central Park, yet have failed to see that this type of rape happens EVERY day of the year in most nations of the world in which the citizen has been disarmed. And in most cases, it's government-approved pillage and rape.

I challenge YOU -- with all your First Amendment rights relatively still intact -- to aid those of us who believe it is our RIGHT and DUTY to defend the weak and the oppressed. Not just in Kuwait, from a distance with aircraft, but up close and personal.

We keep hearing about how strong the United States is, and the President opens trade with the most repressive regime on Earth, as if that will suddenly change tyranny. A strong economy means nothing to its participants if they can arbitrarily be held at gunpoint by government agents, tax collectors -- rapists and muggers are no different than these, when they see an opportunity ripe for the plucking.

When a society's leaders (legislatures and news outlets) demand the necessity that each individual member be weak, how the hell can anyone of sanity claim that the society is strong?!

You will have failed YOUR moral imperative if you do nothing but sit on the sidelines and wring your sweaty hands!


Jim Greaves

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