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Waking up the Boston Globe

Originally published on this website August 13, 2001

Response sent to the Boston Globe concerning their editorial entitled "Ashcroft's assault on gun laws" authored by Edward M. Kennedy and Charles E. Schumer. This was sent on 8/11/01 at 10:55 PM using the link supplied by KABA website.

"Attorney General John Ashcroft is quietly taking steps to erode the very gun laws he has sworn under oath to defend." What don't you people understand about the falsehood of this statement?

The Attorney General takes the following oath according to law: 

" I, A_B_, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

Isn't it a shame that Mr. Ashcroft takes his oath seriously? Could it possible be because he took it before God and being a moral man he fears the judgment of NOT performing his duty as stated? Could it possible be that Mr. Ashcroft doesn't subscribe to the traitorous acts, which have been imposed on law-abiding citizens, like those of Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Schumer?

What a shame that Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Schumer think Mr. Ashcroft lied, during the hearings. Is it possible be that Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Schumer are so accustomed to lying under oath and ignoring their oath of office that they no longer know the truth? Should we hold them accountable for the number of times they have voted, worked and passed laws that were totally contrary to their oath of office and the Constitution? Wouldn't that in its self constitute treason? In case you are confused, try to understand that Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Schumer took the SAME oath of office, as did Mr. Ashcroft.

I would think you would be humiliated by the fact that the story here is a man wants to return some of the freedom given us by our forefathers. Especially when those who wrote this opinion piece lied with this statement �We have also learned that the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel is drafting an opinion to make the attorney general's views on the Second Amendment official policy of the government. This would be a radical departure from its longstanding position.�

Have any of you read the writings of those that wrote and ratified the Bill of Rights to the Constitution? Do you know that those opinions of Jefferson, Adams et al are the longstanding position of the government and supercede the ideas of tyranny espoused by Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Schumer, by well over two hundred years? Isn�t it ironic that the founding fathers ideas concerning the 2nd Amendment and Mr. Ashcroft�s parallel in many ways? I wonder who is really out of the loop here!!! Do you have any idea?

Have any of you looked to see if the path of those you trumpet is even remotely similar to that taken by one of the most evil tyrants of the 20th century: Adolf Hitler? This may come as a shock to you but there is more than one point of similarity between the 1930�s in Germany and the gun control legislation purposed and enacted today in the United States. I wonder who has supported that legislation? Do you have any ideas?

Tim Case

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