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Fears of Wild West Unfounded

Originally published on this website August 16, 2001

From: Robert N Lyman [email protected]
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:02:43 -0700 (PDT)
To: [email protected]
Subject: "Chasing the wrong answer"

Your recent editorial opposing concealed-carry legislation was shocking in its ignorance and bigotry. You are journalists. You are bound by moral obligation to speak the truth. This means more for journalists than for others; you are obliged by your profession not merely to avoid knowingly printing falsehoods, but also to carefully and thoroughly check the facts to avoid unknowingly printing falsehoods. For a journalist to make an error is serious business.

In editorializing against the right of ordinary citizens to defend themselves from criminals, you repeat the tired old argument that "more guns on the street" will somehow lead to more crime. You make the bigoted assumption that anyone who wishes to protect his or her life and family must be a "bozo" who is willing to kill over a parking space. This is offensive in the extreme. Would you dare characterize blacks or Jews as "bozos" unable to control their emotions, just waiting for the chance to attack others? Why do you portray lawful gun owners this way?

If the problem is really too many handguns on the street, why not disarm the police? After all, that would reduce the number of guns out there. But wait--the police use their guns for good, for the protection of citizens, so those guns must be OK. I have news for you: the holders of concealed weapon permits use their guns for exactly the same purpose. In fact, lawful citizens are far LESS likely to make the kind of error that the police made in your city, killing unarmed men and sparking destructive riots.

Your fears of "wild west" mayhem in the street have not been realized in the 33 other states with shall-issue laws. Gun permittees have proven time and again to be the most law-abiding, decent people in all of society. Criminals who carry guns of course do not worry about legal details. Your failure to uncover this obvious truth indicates you have done zero research, and speaks very, very poorly of both your journalistic integrity and your critical thinking skills.

Frankly, I now have reason to doubt just about everything you say. If you can't be bothered to check the facts, why should anyone believe you?

Robert Lyman
Seattle, WA

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