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Mr. Tolby's hatred of guns

From: "J.D. McKim" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 12:26:23 -0700
To: [email protected]
Subject: Fw: Arizona Republic Article

Mr. Tolby,

Your hatred of guns and gun owners must have clouded your reading comprehension in this case.

You wrote,

�I did not agree with his defense. The law says carrying a concealed deadly weapon without a permit within the immediate control of any person inside a means of transportation is a violation. Very plainly, the law says do not have a weapon within your reach that is concealed inside a car.�

A holstered pistol is not a concealed weapon per ARS 13-3102 (F)

�. . . Subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section shall not apply to a weapon or weapons carried in a case, holster, scabbard, pack or luggage which is carried within a means of transportation or within a storage compartment, trunk or glove compartment of a means of transportation.�

Clearly, if the man�s pistol was holstered he was not committing an offense. You dismiss the man�s argument that a holstered pistol in a vehicle is not a concealed weapon, yet this is exactly what the law says. Regardless of your personal opinions, aren�t you bound to uphold state law?

You wrote,

�Every study I have read says the odds are more likely that a gun will do you or your family more harm than good.�

Then you have neglected to read very much at all about the subject. Here are some good starting points to learn more:

You wanted me to ask myself,

�Are the odds in my favor that my gun will solve a problem, or will it create a problem?�

Well, Mr. Tolby, I�ve carried a gun for many years and it has never caused any problems. And I wouldn�t be able to write you this missive if I hadn�t had it the one time I really needed it.

J.D. McKim

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