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Kmart -- Fed Up!

From: "Brian J. Wise" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 02:01:29 -0400
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>
Subject: K-Mart Customer Fed Up

Dear K-Mart Corporation;

It has come to my attention, via the Associated Press, that after the terrorist attack on America Tuesday morning that you pulled all ammunition and firearms from your store shelves. This was totally uncalled for. What if this had been the start of an invasion? Patriotic Americans would need all the ammo and firearms they could get. So what do you do? Remove them from your shelves.

Seeing as your company now in no way supports Patriotic Red-Blooded AMERICANS, I vow from this day forward that my family and I will never set foot in another K-Mart as long as we Live!!! From now on if we need something we will drive across town to WALMART and not down to the corner to K-Mart.

Here’s wishing your Anti-gun corporation goes bankrupt!


A Proud Red-Blooded Patriotic American Gun Owner,
Brian J. Wise
[email protected]


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