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Kmart -- Not
Paying Attention
From: Gordon DeSpain <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 12:08 AM
Subject: Gun Rights
To Whom It May Concern:
Apparently, you haven't been paying a lot of attention to the wind direction
lately. For the first time since the nineteenth Century, a Case is working its
way through the Federal Court Systems that addresses the individual "Right
to Keep and Bear Arms" (United States vs Timothy Joe Emerson), and, a sleeping
giant is awakening, the American People.
Your recent attempt to cuddle up to the criminal Gun Control Adherents has not
escaped our attention, and, I personally think it would be corporate suicide
to continue pushing their unconstitutional agenda, because it doesn't end with
just the 2nd, it's pointed at the ultimate destruction of the entire "Constitution."
I understand that you have replaced Ammo and Firearms on your shelves (I'll
have to see this for myself), but, if so, a major media apology is in order
to the Legally Armed Citizens of the "united States of America," just
as well covered as the announcement that appeared on every Network News Program
on 9/12/01.
"I reserve my Constitutional Rights, without prejudice," pursuant
to UCC 1-207
Gordon Arthur DeSpain
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