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...Call a National Guardsman

From: Vanderboegh, Michael
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 5:49 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Brave Liberals

RE: Brave Liberals, or, "Next Time You're In Trouble, Call a National Guardsman"

To the Editor:

I never cease to be amazed by the bravery of liberals such as Bruce Burnaman ("Amendment doesn't guarantee gun use", Letters, Monday, August 20) who write letters justifying gun confiscation to major national newspapers such as USA Today which are read by millions of the fellow citizens they seek to disarm. Burnaman presumably does not own a gun, and apparently does not wish anyone else to have one, apart from the Army and National Guard.

Surely Burnaman knows that many of the people who take note of his letter are gun owners like me who will die before consenting to disarmament. Surely he understands that people who are willing to die for a principle, such as the God-given right to keep and bear arms in defense of life and liberty, are often willing to kill in defense of that same principle.

So give a nod of respect to the victim disarmament advocates such as Bruce Burnaman of Woodstock, GA. The Burnamans of America are willing to risk the personal wrath of millions of uncompromising gun owners should the Second Amendment be gutted as they propose. Gun owners by definition own guns; Mr. Burnaman does not. Brave man. Brave, that is, if he's thought through what he's advocating. If not, he's merely foolish. Perhaps he should buy a firearm for protection, just in case. Or, if he's intellectually honest, the next time he feels threatened he can put in a call to the local National Guard armory. I'm sure they'll hurry right on over.

Mike Vanderboegh
Alabama Gun Owners
P.O. Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126
day phone 800-437-3169

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