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So Many Lies in One Editorial

From: "Angel Shamaya" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 03:32:07 -0700
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: So Many Lies in One Editorial

RE: Wrong ruling on Second Amendment

So Many Lies in One Editorial

I'm impressed with the Statesman's ability to print so many lies in such a small patch of paper. In your "Wrong ruling on Second Amendment," you've set a new standard in media bias. To cover each misstatement would take as many words as you used, or many more to give the legal citations you've obviously never read -- and I doubt you could handle the truth, anyway, so I'll spare myself the grief. At least I know this: my hometown newspaper has been subverted by people who can't handle the truth and who do not respect my rights as guaranteed by our nation's founding fathers.

I'm glad I moved out of Austin.

Angel Shamaya
Founder/Executive Director
1109 S. Plaza Way, #136
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001
(520) 522-8833

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