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Brady Bunch Has Attacked Freedom Itself!

From: "Jon Walser" <[email protected]
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 15:53:01 -0800
To: <[email protected], <[email protected]
Cc: <[email protected], <[email protected]
Subject: S 166


According to the Brady E-Action Response Network (AKA the Brady Bunch), Bill S 166, which would limit handgun purchases to one per month has been proposed to the State Senate. They (gratuitously) assert that this bill is needed to stop gun traffickers from purchasing "10, 20, even 100 handguns at a time, which they illegally resell in the secondary market to ... criminals who would not pass the state background check". No mention is made as to where they got this information, or why they (having gotten the information) failed to forward the particulars to the FBI/BATF for prosecution (either straw purchase violations or dealing without a license). They also claim that no action is proposed on this bill.

Now, since the Brady Bunch reporting only touches on truth by accident, I am moved to comment:

1. I hope that no action‚ is a slight exaggeration. I assume that this proposal has been rejected and the promoters of the bill have received the same censure they would receive from proposing any other anti-civil rights bill (such as disallowing blacks from voting, or declaring a State Church).

2. If not, why? Have you (and they) not taken an Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Massachusetts? Do you not remember the proper purpose of government, as alluded to in the Declaration of Independence? (Even a slow reader should be able to read all three documents in a half hour. Start with the Declaration...)

There will be some who will write to you merely hoping that this bill be allowed to die. I expect more. I expect you to act in defense of American civil rights. President Bush has declared that Freedom has been attacked and that those who are not with us, are against us. It appears that some of the enemies of Freedom are alive and well in the Massachusetts State Senate. I cannot do anything about that, but you can.

Jon K. Walser


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