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Letter to Microsoft asking for Support

Originally published on this website July 11, 2000

Dear Microsoft Management, and Mr. Gates:
[email protected]

Myself and many other believers in and supporters of the Bill of Rights are and have been firmly behind Microsoft's freedom to develop and operate their business without government interference or illegal control. Many of us are firearms owners, who recognize only too well the Demonization used by the same opponents of freedom we both face. We are heartened to see a powerful and respected company such as Microsoft institute the Microsoft Freedom Information Network.

Won't Microsoft recognize the spirit in which we stood by you, and now stand by us? We too are unfairly and illegally being demonized by a government intent on total and complete control of us, just as Microsoft has been. The same concept of freedom and philosophy on government that leads us to support Microsoft NEEDS to be a two way street for both of us to prevail over forces intent on subjugating us. For more insight on this most serious of matters which face us all today, please make the time to read "The Federalist Papers" and "The Anti-Federalist Papers" written during the time that the Constitution was being drafted, by members of it's drafting committee, and other concerned and involved citizens. These two books are available in paperback at very nominal prices from most publishing sources.

The Microsoft Freedom Information Network CAN BE a positive instrument for good in our society, especially in the advancement of the cause of freedom. Those of who support Microsoft and this Freedom Network look to Microsoft for aid and assistance in that cause, that we may be ABLE to do the same for Microsoft. The anti-rights groups have the complete support of a subverted news and entertainment media, the support and even leadership by an organized rogue government, and the financing by many wealthy individuals and corporations who use their financial strength to support a movement intended to complete the disempowerment of the American people. These same individuals and corporations that seek unlimited power over our country, it's citizens, and it's businesses spend millions to influence politics and the unwitting citizenry, and get legislation passed that will ultimately disarm us and remove our capability to resist their illegal and unconstitutional acts. Only through an armed populace can the government be held in check, allowed to go so far, and no further. And without a free and open market, there is no freedom, just as there is none when only the government is armed, and has the power, force and will to enact whatever it pleases upon it's people. If the people are disarmed, rest assured that a free and open market will be the first freedom to be eliminated, along with freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and other open testaments to liberty.

There are over 83,000,000 lawful gun owners in America who are determined to resist this attempt at authoritarian control of every aspect of our lives, and many other non-gun owning citizens who understand the need for strict adherence to ALL of the Bill of Rights. BTW, if you analyze carefully current political events, you will see that the entire Bill of Rights is under assault, always by the same people and groups. This will directly affect Microsoft, it's employees, it's customers, and how we will ALL "be allowed" to do business and conduct our daily lives.

We can use your help. your strength, your support to ensure that America, it's people, and it's business are not controlled by those who would arbitrarily decide what's "good" for us and what's not, to suit THEIR agenda, and maintain unconstitutional and illegal oppression without limits. Please help us to maintain the freedom to help Microsoft, as we contend with common adversaries.

Many sincere thanks for your consideration.


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The congress of the United States possesses no power to regulate, or interfere with the domestic concerns, or police of any state: it belongs not to them to establish any rules respecting the rights of property; nor will the constitution permit any prohibition of arms to the people; or of peaceable assemblies by them, for any purposes whatsoever, and in any number, whenever they may see occasion. �ST. GEORGE TUCKER'S BLACKSTONE

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