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Letter to Virginia Governor Seeking Senatorial Seat

by Greg A. Pearce

Originally published on this website September 18, 2000

Dear Gov. Allen,
[email protected]

When Gun Owners of America told me you were supporting the 1994 Clinton-Feinstein gun ban, my first reaction was utter disbelief. In The Washington Post did you really mean to say you would "not repeal the existing ban" on certain household firearms?

Please tell me this was a misquote. The Second Amendment protects the right of all decent Americans to keep and bear arms. The Amendment states that this precious right "shall not be infringed." Further more, one needs go no further than the Federalist Papers to find spelled out, quite clearly in fact, that the framers did indeed mean for the Second Amendment to be an individual right. It's there in plain English, more than once. You can't mistake their intent Governor.

That is why I must vehemently disagree with your position on the draconian gun laws that are already on the books. It is impossible to enforce the existing gun laws and, at the same time, to respect the rights of law-abiding citizens. Anti-gun restrictions ARE INFRINGEMENTS upon my God-given right to defend my family and myself, and they do absolutely nothing to prevent crime! In point of fact, they actually increase crime!

Just think what could have happened if the Clinton-Feinstein ban was in place during the Los Angeles riots of 1992. When the police and National Guard were unable, or refused, to protect the people of that city, it was the Korean-Americans who used their semiautomatic firearms to successfully defend their families and their stores.

Not surprisingly, their stores were the only ones left standing as other stores around them burned to the ground. Had the Clinton gun ban been in place, the stores belonging to those brave Koreans would no doubt have burned along with all the others.

I am concerned that if you are supporting a draconian infringement such as the Clinton-Feinstein gun ban, that you will support other self-defense restrictions once you get into office.

I insist that you stand up for the 2nd Amendment. Do not lend your support to the unconstitutional gun bans that were signed into law by the most anti-gun President in our history. If you support gun control, you will be faced with a concerted effort to see that you never hold public office in this country. I will personally take great pleasure and pride in leading that effort, and have already begun receiving pledges of support for it. The choice is yours sir. Stand for the principles which made this country great, or be defeated by them.


Greg A. Pearce
NRA, GOA, KABA, LEAA, SAF, RKBA, AMA, GOAL Transportation Engineer @ Cerestar U.S.A.
[email protected]

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No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution (1776).

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