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Detailed Letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft

from George Harris

Originally published on this site August 3, 2001


I hope you all write a letter like this, in your own words to John Ashcroft, with copies to YOUR Congress"persons". The time for begging for our rights has gone. Only directness and forthright words will affect the decisions of the power monger in government. If we ALL write, and encourage our fellow patriots to do the same, maybe we won't HAVE to shoot later, (except for recreation). Time grows short.

U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
[email protected]

Dear Mr. Ashcroft,

I fully support your position on disposing COMPLETELY of background check data within 24 hours of approval.

In fact, requiring a background check is in itself a contravention of the Bill of Rights. Nowhere in this most basic of all Constitutional elements is there ANY qualification about the RIGHT to KEEP AND BEAR arms. Further in contradiction of public statements you have made, there is no distinction made in the Bill of Rights between ANY kind of "arms". That word was clearly chosen over all other terms for a reason. And FWIW, the re-definition which is SOP for liberals and communists that is involved in the "militia clause of the 2nd "Amendment" (sic) is nothing more than the same lame excuses they always use in distorting the truth to persuade un- and mis-informed well meaning citizens of the non-existent validity of their outright lies.

Simple reading of the words of the men who actually WROTE the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as opposed to those who now want to claim the authority to tell us what they meant, will remove any doubt as to the meaning and intent of ALL of the Articles in the Bill of Rights (they're NOT separate Amendments, but rather separate ARTICLES of the same Amendment). Even a quick review of "The Federalist Papers", "The Anti-Federalist Papers" and other assorted writings of the Founding Fathers will confirm this without any reservation, doubt, or qualification. The BoR was written, submitted, and ratified as a single document. And NONE of it is addressed to the citizenry. It is STRICTLY, without exception, a careful well thought out list of prohibitions against what the government may legally do. Note that it's preface begins with the words: "Congress shall make no law.....".

As far as the unconstitutional "sporting purposes" concept is concerned, it doesn't exist. It was a cleverly manufactured but inaccurate piece of indoctrination fed to politicians and citizens alike as a stepping stone to further incursions on the RIGHT to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. While no one can dispute that people of America before, during and after our revolution DID in fact use their weapons for hunting, target competition, recreational use, and even "collecting", that issue was such a given, that it was felt that no special mention of it was even necessary, even as no need was thought necessary to guarantee citizens the right to wear whatever color clothes they preferred. After all, based on their own words collectively, and their own lifestyles, it was never expected that these purposes even needed clarification, for no rational person could ever be expected to even question them, or many other freedoms we take for granted, but are no less correct. This truth notwithstanding though, from a purely legal standpoint, weapons for these purposes CAN be legally regulated, for various legitimate purposes, since in addressing the issue of arms in the first place, they were NOT included in the terminology used. But military type weapons (like the ones "banned" in the so-called [inaccurate on it's very face] "Assault Weapons Ban") may NOT be restricted in any way. The word "infringed" has a very specific and clear meaning well delineated in the Dictionary that removes doubt about ANY action regarding these weapons. It clearly and specifically exempts them from ANY kind of regulation or restriction. Yes sir, to the dismay of leftists, socialists, and elitists everywhere in America, even the NFA of 1934 is invalid and of no legal standing.

As the Attorney General of the United States of America, you are bound by your sworn oath to defend and protect the Constitution. Absent your every possible effort to ensure that the unconstitutional, hence illegal AND invalid so-called "Assault Weapons Ban dies the death it deserves when it sunsets in 2004, you are unfortunately, in violation of that oath. If you DO violate that oath by NOT using every legal means at your disposal as Attorney General, you will yourself become literally a criminal, and one of the worst sort. He who commits a crime against individuals is certainly abhorrent. But he who commits a crime against the entire nation, and it's most precious Constitution, cannot defend against such overwhelming guilt, and is the most reprehensible of all possible persons.

Accordingly, I urge you in the strongest terms possible to honor your duly sworn oath, and do your part in overturning the so-called "Assault Weapons Ban", and subsequently, ALL of the illegal firearms restrictions in every function of the federal government, addressing the many various and sundry other similar violations in the meantime. IF you do so, and make return to the original clearly spelled out Bill of Rights your priority and the cornerstone of your tenure, history will regard you as the greatest patriot and statesman of modern times. If you fail to meet this challenge, and take this golden opportunity, your enemies will see to it that you are at worst, considered the most incompetent and corruptly partisan of all hacks, and at best, a forgotten meaningless fraud who was easily bested by the "Progressive Democratic Caucus" and it's equally treacherous but silent supporters. Be advised, that contrary to accepted practices in the swamp on the Potomac, you cannot negotiate with liars, thieves, cheats, traitors, and perverts. In view of your experience, you no doubt will refute that, seeing it as a personal affront. Nevertheless, that same experience should reveal the truth to you, deep in your innermost heart.

There are uncountable millions of Americans who were also sworn publicly to defend and protect the Constitution when they entered military service. Absent public repudiation of this oath, they are still bound to it, unto death. Should the government ever go too far in it's now popular and "politically correct" leftist dismissal of and disdain for the Constitution, they WILL do exactly that. And FWIW, despite all the words ever uttered to you, and all the assurances and promises made to you, there is NO absolute guarantee that illegal usurpation of power will not leave YOU and your loved ones victims of traitors and despots, personal power and influence today notwithstanding. If such a possible thing ever happens, you will thank God that your rescuers were able to save you, and were ABLE to do their duty BECAUSE they are armed. Your participation in assuring our combined ability to "defend against enemies from without and within" will make the triumph of freedom personally satisfying.

What's more, no amount of incremental efforts to disarm the people of America will or even CAN succeed, no matter what technology or force is used to accomplish such a nationally suicidal act. If criminals refuse to voluntarily surrender their arms, why would decent honest men? They won't. Even now, millions of arms are already hidden away against the day when they will be needed to defend our freedom against whatever catastrophe arises. And if push ever comes to shove, they WILL resist. You see, most of them are too well aware that in the last century, over 170,000,000 innocent civilian citizens were massacred in cold blood by their own government. Whether that government rose to power incrementally as a result of a long term plan, or with sudden violence, each and every instance was preceded by disarming of the populace to render them defenseless. And of course, you know who those governments were, and some still are. It CAN happen here, and the beginnings have already taken deep root. Of course, I'm sure YOU are well aware that the issues of "crime", "safety", and "for the children" among the many phony excuses are nothing more than red herrings, intended to mask the REAL intent behind rendering our people helpless against totalitarianism, despotism, and tyranny of every sort.

John Ashcroft, I know I speak for most patriotic citizens of these united sovereign States of America, when I charge you with the duty and the responsibility as Attorney General of the United States of America, to overturn every single one of the unconstitutional, invalid, and illegal federal gun laws, including all of the other euphemisms used to circumvent the proscription of any body to make law except Congress. And since the States are required as a condition of union to adopt the federal Constitution, especially including the Bill of Rights, as their own, such observation of the LAW must be equally honored by them individually and collectively.

Sir, you are well aware of the growing national resentment against an increasingly despotic federal government across this great nation; Klamath, Jarbridge, Nashville, these are but a few of the increasing number of instances. Too, the illegal arming and assignment of police powers to federal agencies in creation of a police state is alarmingly evident. These illegal "enforcement agents" are now commonly referred to as "jack-booted thugs" to the point where it has become common slang, part of the language. And after seeing the travesties at Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Elian Gonzalez incident, and other lesser known (thanks to suppression by an amoral public press and media broadcast entities) travesties, it is a well deserved epithet. Unless the rule of LAW, including especially the Bill of Rights is returned to OUR government, and our people, the threat of wide-spread and massive civil unrest threatens the well-being of all of America. It looms before us as an ominous materializing cataclysm taking shape which like a forming hurricane or tornado, endangering everything in it's massive swath, with the potential to sweep away all in it's path.

You, Mr. Attorney General, even more so than the President, have the opportunity, authority, and even the duty if and when necessary, to apply the law to ANY "official" that effects or conspires to violate the Constitution. You CAN, and MUST legally charge, arrest and prosecute ANY "official", whether elected or appointed, for ANY violation of the Constitution. This, for your information, INCLUDES members of Congress, the Administration, and EVEN the Judiciary. I have no doubt that you are all too aware that such action is long overdue. Had it been done selectively much earlier by men of conscience, you would not now be faced with such a drastic and repugnant responsibility.

By copy of this letter to them, I charge my Congressmen with the equally difficult task of supporting you in this endeavor without reservation or hesitation, for they share with you the same oath, even as I do.

Do your duty, Sir.

Respectfully submitted,

(Name and address deleted from this copy for privacy)

"Molon labe!"

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The NRA has a point about the inadvisability of simply taking guns away from the populace. If that were possible, it would not disarm that small percentage of the population willing to break the law.... Punishing people who obey the law is backward thinking. � Hugh Downs, Veteran ABC newsman

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