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Kudos to Violence Policy Center

From: "Angel Shamaya" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] (located in the source code on their Contact page:

Date sent: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 14:43:55 -0700
Subject: Kudos to Violence Policy Center
Priority: normal

Dear Violence Policy Center,

RE: Commendations and Kudos

In your latest release entitled, "Ashcroft Decision Cloaked in Secrecy�VPC Files Freedom of Information Act Request on Ashcroft Second Amendment Letter,",

you make mention of requesting information:

"...all documents related to the Department's 180-degree shift in its position on the Second Amendment. The FOIA request seeks to shed light on how this extreme shift-in which DOJ now states that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms-came about."

I commend you for having the foresight to press upon U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft to clearly explain the reason he has determined that the second amendment provides for an individual right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Though gun owners have been trying to get it through your thick skulls for a long, long time, here is what you can expect from General Ashcroft:

Excerpts from:

1) The Federalist Papers
2) The Anti-Federalist Papers
3) A Discourse of Government with Relation to Militias by Andrew Fletcher, 1698
4) The Militia Act of 1792
5) Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Tench Coxe, George Washington, James Madison, Patrick Henry and two dozen others commonly known as The Founding Fathers,

all of which support the fact that General Ashcroft's position has always been the position of America; the DOJ was just wrong for a long time, and he's helping fix that.

When the Truth arrives at your doorstep, you can show us if there is anyone in your organization who has even a single scholarly bone in his body -- by challenging the assertions in the historical information you've so long denied.

In closing, thank you kindly for insisting that General Ashcroft make it plain as day for you socialist government worshippers what the second amendment is all about. We appreciate the support very much. And believe me when I tell you that the correction of the long-standing error on the part of the federal government is going to happen, then hear this: you'd much rather have it corrected by guys in suits than by patriots with guns who deem it necessary to take up arms in defense of liberty. And so would we.

Think about it, or find someone there who CAN think and have them explain it to you.

Thanks for the great laugh this afternoon. :-) I needed it.

Have a wonderful day.

Angel Shamaya
Founder/Executive Director

[email protected]

At least 83,000,000 gun owners behaved peacefully today.

Related Reading on the Liars at "Violence Policy Center"

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No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution (1776).

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