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Department Of Pediatrics Web Page -- It's "for the children"


From: "Bud Link" <[email protected]>
To: "David Bricker" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Department Of Pediatrics Web Page
Date sent: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:58:46 -0400
Organization: Aegis Design

Dear Mr. Bricker:
My e-mail to you contains specific questions to which, I think, specific answers are appropriate.

But let me add this question in connection with your reply:

(7) EXACTLY HOW is the ASK campaign "good for children?"

It should certainly be easy to answer, as an institution like Hopkins necessarily bases its daily activities on scientific, independently verifiable fact. Therefore, I'm sure Hopkins looked at the available literature on firearms and other accident rates and similarly relevant data.

The records of the persons/committee(s) who chose to associate Hopkins with the ASK campaign should have this information readily available. Simple citation of the independent sources will be quite sufficient for me. I can research them myself from your references.

Thanks again.

Bud Link

----- Original Message -----
From: David Bricker
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: DepartmentOfPediatricsWebPage

Mr. Link,
The Johns Hopkins Children's Center supports ASK because it is good for children.
David Bricker

>>> Bud Link <[email protected]> 08/20/01 12:58PM >>>

re: "ASK" campaign

"The Johns Hopkins Children's Center Monday is launching a national campaign that will encourage parents to ask other parents if they keep a gun in the house before sending their children over to play."

Please respond to my questions related to the "ASK" campaign. They are put to your institution in all sincerity. Thank you.
Bud Link

(1) How does the simple presence of firearms cause harm to children?

(2) What direct evidence is there that firearms are a greater threat to children than other items typically found in homes? (e.g., swimming pools, cleaning chemicals, automobiles, bicycles, other children, bathtubs, alcohol [in both beverages and in denatured form], skateboards, stairsteps, swing sets, et cetera)

(3) If other household items are found to hold greater risks for children than firearms, when will Johns Hopkins/PAX establish similar programs encouraging parents to ask about such higher-risk items?

(4) What are the qualifications and experience regarding firearm handling and storage of those persons who authored these recommendations?

(5) How exactly will asking about the presence of firearms save the lives of children?

(6) Quoted from the PAX ASK campaign website: "Ask your neighbor if they have a gun...If the answer is need to make absolutely sure that all guns are stored unloaded and locked - ideally in a gun safe - with the ammunition locked separately." My questions regarding this advice:

(6a) What is the liability exposure of Johns Hopkins should a family follow these recommendations and be victimized by criminals?

(6b) Will Johns Hopkins indemnify a family that has requested the parents of a playmate to lock up ALL guns and ammunition should that family then be victimized by criminals and be unable to defend itself because both guns and ammunition are locked away? To what limits?

(6c) Do you have a written statement from your risk insuror stating that they will pay claims arising from families unable to defend themselves because they followed the advice to lock up ALL guns and ammunition? To what limits?

(6d) What entity will cover the liability of those persons who authored these recommendations? To what limits?

(6e) Do these authors have personal liability insurance? To what limits?

Considering that there are some 2,500,000 legitimate self-defense uses of firearms each year (98% of which involve firing NO shots), these are entirely reasonable questions to put to any person or organization advising that ALL self-defense firearms and ammunition be locked away whenever any children are present.

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The pool of guns that get turned in in buybacks are simply not the same guns that would otherwise have been used in crime. � Harvard professor David Kennedy, as reported on FoxNews

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