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If lawmakers treated firearms like automobiles...

From: John Kupski <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 07:32:10 -0700 (PDT)
To: l[email protected]
Subject: "Treat guns like cars"

Dear Sirs:

In your editorial of August 20th, 2001, entitled "A Gunshy Governor" you state, "The gun lobby hates the comparison of guns with cars, perhaps because the analogy makes so much sense."

On the contrary, if lawmakers treated firearms like automobiles as you suggest, most of the so-called gun lobby would enthusiastically support them. Despite the comparison you attempt to make:

I do not need a drivers license to buy a car, only to drive one on the public roads.

I am not barred from purchasing an automobile that some would deem "too powerful" such as a Corvette, Viper, or even a Winston Cup stock car.

I am not forced to wait fifteen days to pick up my new vehicle, nor to pass a background check.

I may buy as many cars as I want to, whenever I want.

I am not required to buy a new car from a federally licensed dealer, or transfer a used one through such a dealer in the event of a private sale.

I am not required to display my drivers license and be finger printed when purchasing gasoline.

All of the above are the law in the state of California when you replace the word "car" with "firearm" (the last example currently limited to LA County) and yet you still clamor for more "compromise" on "sensible gun laws." Yet automobiles in the hands of the incompetent, the intoxicated, and the deranged inflict far more monetary damage, injuries, and loss of life on the community. Perhaps the LA times should stop beating the proverbial gun control horse and push for more "car control!"

John M. Kupski
Chuckey, TN

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