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Defend the Constitution, Mr. Schumer

From: Tom Holladay <mailto:[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 1:05 PM
Subject: Should Americans fear enemies from within MORE than outside terrorists?

This is for ALL of you UN-AMERICAN, LEFT WING politicians (federal, state, and local) and media-types that have brought us to this point. You, and many PATRIOTIC AMERICANS, KNOW who you are. In large part thanks to you, we have reached a point in this country where a group of fanatic, fundamentalist Islamic rag heads has the balls and the ability to strike our homeland with such terrible effect. 30 to 40 years of left-wing, supposedly AMERICAN politicians in power, and especially the last eight years of the unethical, immoral, and CRIMINAL Clinton regime, have weakened our military, our national security, our intelligence capability, and our very resolve. THIS has emboldened our enemies and resulted in this latest, and most horrible attack against the American people.

On top of that, it is YOU and your ILK that now come out and question the bravery, intelligence, and manhood (yes, his eyes DID well up with tears, because HE, unlike you and Bill Clinton, REALLY cares and is certainly one of US – the common American citizen!) of OUR President at a time when ALL Americans, even you left-wing bastards, should come together as ONE to track down and annihilate this outside enemy.

I am sickened to see the likes of anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment, anti-FREEDOM Senators like you, Feinstein, Biden, Hillary Clinton, and the rest, coming out and saying that they hope that these terrorists don’t think that Americans are willing to give up their freedom and rights due to their terrorist actions. Hell, we freedom-loving Americans have more to fear from YOU bastards taking away our Second Amendment, and other RIGHTS & FREEDOMS, than we have to fear from ANY terrorist!

If you REALLY are concerned about protecting Americans from future terrorist attacks, then you will support, and make stronger and more sweeping, our RIGHT to KEEP & BEAR ARMS for our protection, our families protection, and for the common defense.

You need to CEASE & DESIST in your internal attacks on our 2nd Amendment rights, our rights to buy ANY kind of small arms we think is necessary for us to effectively defend ourselves and our country (INCLUDING fully-automatic assault weapons, handguns, short-barreled shotguns, etc.), and our right to carry these firearms concealed to ANY place (with very FEW exceptions, i.e., airports, courtrooms, etc.) we think might be attacked by terrorists, or other criminals.

We MUST study, and put into effect, the Israeli “play-book” for dealing with these terrorist bastards. ALL law-abiding citizens should be able to take an active part in deterring, and defending against attacks against our people and our infrastructure. Just as in Israel, volunteer teachers, principals, and other school administrators should be trained, and equipped (concealed handguns and access to shotguns and/or semi-automatic weapons) to protect our school children from suicide attacks by terrorists that we KNOW are operating inside our very borders!

If our military and federal law enforcement conduct the massive, violent, and sustained attack against the bastards that we MUST do, then things may get very ugly back here for the average citizen on the street. Terrorists may do as they have done in Israel for many years - conduct suicide attacks with machine guns, grenades, and other weapons in our airports, schools, government buildings, and streets. We MUST be free and able to protect our communities and ourselves. The police cannot possibly be everywhere to protect all of us, and there are not even enough active and reserve military, and National Guard personnel to be there to protect us during such a sweeping national crisis.

All left-wing run states and cities should be encouraged to lift ALL restrictions relating to the purchase, ownership, and carrying of firearms by law-abiding citizens. After the unthinkable occurred on Tuesday, this is NOT a request based on paranoia, but a demand and a need based on the REALITY of the situation we are now in. The world is a VERY different place than it was before Tuesday morning, and it is likely to get MUCH more dangerous for us here at home than it has EVER been. We are in nothing less than a state of WAR with these evil bastards.

It is FAR past the time that all of you need to start LIVING the same oath of office I took when I joined the United States Marine Corps, ESPECIALLY the part about “protecting and defending the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic”. Until now, I have considered many of you “domestic enemies” of our Constitution, since you have so often been willing to ignore and defile certain parts of it. That oath means that you will support and defend ALL of the Constitution, INCLUDING the Second Amendment.

I am HOPING that henceforth, all Americans need worry ONLY about are our enemies from WITHOUT.

Please put aside your left-wing partisanship and for ONCE, think of what is BEST FOR AMERICA… BE Americans first!!!

- Tom “Doc” Holladay
Powder Springs, GA

Former active-duty Marine

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For those that will fight for it, FREEDOM has a flavor the protected shall never know. --L/Cpl Edwin L."Tim" Craft, February 1968, Khe Sahn Combat Base

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