Oppose CARA
Date sent: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 10:10:16
To: [email protected]
From: Gary Marbut/MSSA/TOS <[email protected]>
Subject: Oppose CARA
Dear MSSA Friends,
Below is a copy of a letter I just sent to Senator Conrad Burns and Congressman
Dennis Rehberg. I have included email addresses for both and also for their
key staffers, to facilitate your concurrence with this letter.
I hope you will
join MSSA in opposing CARA. FYI, CARA would use revenues from offshore drilling
to, among other things, purchase wildlife habitat and recreational property.
Already in Montana we see the disregard of the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife
and Parks for Montana sportsmen, because Montana sportsmen contribute a relatively
small part of their income - "He who pays the fiddler names the tune."
So, CARA would further federalize FWP, and would threaten ownership of private
property with compulsory purchases of "wildlife habitat" by public
entities, taking management of property out of the hands of those private and
vested people who manage it best and placing management in the hands of unelected,
mid-level bureaucrats.
CARA would also shift tax-paying private property off
the tax roles, thereby increasing the tax burden for the rest of us.
I think
CARA is a very bad deal! It is certainly the dream of the enviros and FWP -
they support it heavily.
United States Senator Conrad Burns
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
Congressman Dennis Rehberg <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
Dear Conrad and Denny,
Please be advised that MSSA is very
much opposed to H.R. 701, the "Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA).
We believe that the money involved will corrupt bureaucrat recipients, we believe
that CARA will drastically interfere with private property, and we believe that
sportsmen and women will be further dealt out of the game in directing conservation
of wildlife, and preservation of hunting and fishing opportunities.
While it sounds good, CARA will
become a long-term disaster for sportsmen, just like the Endangered Species
Act has.
Gary Marbut,
Montana Shooting Sports Association
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