Civilian Defense Force
From: "Charles Hoskinson"
<[email protected]>
To: "Governor Jeb Bush" <[email protected]>
Copies to: "Senator Tom Lee" <[email protected]>,
"Rep. Johnnie Byrd" <[email protected]>
Subject: Civilian Defense Force
Date sent: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 11:06:46 -0500
Send reply to: [email protected]
===== The Paul-Revere Forum ========
Governor Bush,
Given the president's call for the
establishment of a Civilian Defense Force, I am providing a notional vision
for your consideration. I will also make myself available at your call to provide
any assistance I can.
This force would not operate as
an autonomous organization, but would provide human resources to other organizations,
such as the National Guard, local law enforcement organizations, and other emergency
management organizations, with a primary mission of security and emergency assistance,
to include natural disasters. The only organization the force itself would have
would relate to a human resource data base and response to operational tasking
by supported organizations.
In addition to other useful skills
possessed by many civilians, there is already a pool of individuals who are
officially trained in the use of firearms and the legal aspects of the use of
lethal force, and who have received criminal background checks -- those Floridians
who have a CCW. Accordingly, additional security resources are almost immediately
I would envision that, with accurate
skill data bases, training could be minimal, consisting of standard operating
policies and procedures. Appropriate specific on-the job training could be accomplished
by the supported organizations. Initially apprentices, individuals could be
given additional responsibilities as deemed appropriate by the supported organizations.
Over time, individuals could be "cohorted" with these supported organizations
and certified to work with them at an appropriate and specific skill level.
In order to be effective and promote
appropriate discipline, the force should consist of sworn members who agree
to serve at the pleasure of the Governor during a specific time period. A background
screen would be performed before the individual received identification or was
permitted to perform duties.
Uniforms could be simple, consisting
of available military or other uniforms or alternatively, work uniforms which
are commercially available. Individuals would be readily identifiable by an
already available "CD" patch on the sleeve, identifying them as an
auxiliary. In order to affirm commitment, a token pay would be on a per diem
basis, with no other allowances. Taskings would be, to the maximum extent possible,
in the individual's locale. If taskings were a certain distance from the individual's
home, the State would furnish in-kind quarters and rations. Absolute volunteerism
is fine, but there needs to be a firm commitment between the volunteer and the
State in order to maintain a viable and reliable pool. I would envision this
to be a permanent establishment, for use even beyond the current emergency.
For operations and logistics, I
recommend that the Adjutant General take the lead, as trainers and facilities
are available under his jurisdiction. Also, under the Militia Act, I believe
this where the State's authority resides, and federal funds should be made available
to support it.
I believe that this would be a low-cost
and effective method to supplement existing organizations with vital human resources.
Accordingly, I humbly submit it for your consideration.
"God, Duty, Honor, Country"
Chuck Hoskinson
"US Army, Retired... and still serving proudly"
If you want to know who is best
qualified to be the Commander-in-Chief, ask a veteran!
Charles E. "Chuck" Hoskinson
Valrico, Florida 33594
Tel: (813) 6xx-xxxx (Voice/FAX)
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