Obscene response from AZ State Representative
from Don
November 28, 2002
I thought you all might like to see the response from Mark Maiorana, member of the Arizona State Legislature, to the L. Neil Smith article "ALL YOU DEMOCRATS" posted to my list earlier today. When this is the kind of clown holding public office, is it any wonder we are in the mess we are in? I am archiving the e-mail, so feel free to pass it on.
Full headers are contained below, to help you verify authenticity.
His website is at: http://www.azleg.state.az.us/members/45leg/mmaioran.htm
...in case you want to know more, or let him know how you feel about his
communication style.
ALL YOU DEMOCRATS by L. Neil Smith is found
here: http://www.lneilsmith.com/democrats.html�
The only thing sent to AZ Rep. Maiorana was the
text of that article. Here is the public servant's response...
RE: 112702 Fwd: ALL YOU DEMOCRATSStatus: U
Received: from exchange2.azleg.state.az.us ([])
by runyon.mail.mindspring.net (Earthlink Mail Service) with ESMTP id
18hdTU36x3Nl3sj0 for ; Wed, 27 Nov 2002
20:55:34 -0500 (EST)
Received: by EXCHANGE2 with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2655.55)
id <4XN6FRRD>; Wed, 27 Nov 2002 18:51:31 -0700
Message-ID: <3739281B41F6D21195DD0000F6CBBF300472D7C0@EXCHANGE2>
From: Mark Maiorana
To: 'Don Cline '
Subject: RE: 112702 Fwd: ALL YOU DEMOCRATS
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 18:51:22 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2655.55)
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
----- Original Message -----�
From: Mark Maiorana <[email protected]>�
To: 'Don Cline ' <[email protected]>�
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:51 PM
Subject: RE: 112702 Fwd: ALL YOU DEMOCRATS
The House and the Senate were controlled by Republicans during the Clinton Administration. Why don't you do something good for your community, and if not, GO FUCK YOURSELF. Have a nice day :) PS You are a FLAMING ASSHOLE. I was born in 1956 and had nothing to do with Wilson or Johnson.
In response to AZ Rep. Maiorana's suggesting
that Mr. Cline "do something good for your community", let it be known
that Mr. Cline, at his own expense, has been doing just that -- via a Legal
Tender lawsuit designed to force the truth about the privacy-invasive nature of
modern banking systems out into the open. Mr. Cline has this to say about his
ongoing lawsuit:
"My Legal Tender lawsuit is designed to require employers to obey Arizona law in the payment of wages. I.e., by law, employers must pay in lawful money of the United States or in "negotiable" bank checks. If the employers' bank refuses to cash the check because the employee refuses to waive his right to his fingerprint, or his right to not join specified institutions required by the bank, or his right to receive his wages without having to purchase them by payment of a fee, then the bank has imposed conditions upon the check making it not payable on demand, and it is therefore not negotiable according to Arizona law.�
"In this case, the employer is required by Arizona law to cash the check himself. If he refuses, thus requiring the employee to meet these conditions -- including payment of a fee -- to receive his own wages, then the employer is committing at least one class 2 misdemeanor and quite possibly several by demanding payment of a fee, commission, or gratuity as a condition of continued employment. Payment of wages is a required element of continued employment, after all.�
"If banks are allowed to determine whether an employee receives his wages or not, and the employer is allowed to require the employee to jump through the arbitrary hoops of an outside third party to receive his own wages, then Americans have lost their right to work for a living without meeting the political agenda of the banking industry. My lawsuit is designed to stop that trend."
For more information on Mr. Cline's lawsuit,
you can visit him on the web at http://www.mindspring.com/~frdmftr/.
The direct link to information about his Legal Tender lawsuit -- not what it
sounds like -- is available here: http://www.mindspring.com/~frdmftr/bankshrt.htm.
What you will see is that Mr. Cline cares very
much about doing "good for your community."
Consider that as you express yourself to this
wayward public servant -- and be sure to avoid the sewer talk to which he
stoops. Instead, take the high road and let him wallow in his own mess.
Then pass this link on to other people who might find it as enlightening as we did.