Pizza shop worker sends
robber to early grave
Excerpted from original publication that ran here
Pizza shop worker shoots, kills robber
By Rebecca Logan
Staff writer
A pizza shop employee shot and killed a man who robbed the business Thursday
night, police said.
Lt. Katherine Bryant of the Fayetteville Police
Department said the robbery happened about 9:20 p.m. at the Pizza Qwik shop at
6477 Yadkin Road. The shop is in a small plaza near Fillyaw Road, just south of
Fort Bragg.
The names of the people involved had not been
released as of early this morning.
People at a nearby convenience store, the Exxon
Express Stop, said they saw the pizza shop employee chase a man behind the
convenience store.
�He ran around the building yelling and
yelling,� said Rene Garcia-Hilbish of Fayetteville.
She said she heard two shots and walked around
the building to see what had happened.
�The man kept yelling, �Get up, get up,�
but it was obvious he was not going to get up,� Garcia- Hilbish said.
Police said the robber was dead when they
arrived. A car seen leaving the area may have been used by someone involved in
the robbery, police said.
Bryant said the man who robbed the pizza
shop was armed, but she would not identify the type of weapon he was carrying.
She would not say what kind of gun the pizza shop employee used.
In January, the manager of Spinners Pizza on
Hope Mills Road shot one of two masked men who tried to rob the business. One of
the men had what turned out to be a BB gun.
In November 1999, a manager of Dino�s Pizza
in Sycamore Square off Bragg Boulevard shot one of two men who tried to rob that
store at closing time.
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