Citizen shoots attacker who
chased him into home
Originally ran here
"Man shot in fight at other man's home dies"
Staff Writer, The Tennessean
Saturday, 06/30/01
LEBANON � A Wilson County man died early
yesterday morning after being shot Thursday night during a dispute with another
James Freels, 28, died at Vanderbilt University
Medical Center after he was shot in the abdomen with a shotgun at about 10:30
p.m. Wilson County Sheriff's Department investigators said Brian Netherton, 27,
is their suspect in the shooting.
The dispute at Netherton's home, 105 Lone Pine
Drive north of Lebanon, was described by detective Dayton Jamison as a
''domestic'' disagreement over a woman.
''It looks like it has been going on for an
extended period of time,'' Jamison said.
Freels and his younger brother drove to
Netherton's house and, Netherton said, the older Freels tried to provoke a fight
outside, Jamison said. Netherton retreated to his house, but Freels followed and
was shot when he tried to continue the assault, Jamison said.
Freels fled in the truck with his brother and
was taken to a hospital. He was then airlifted to Vanderbilt University Medical
Center, Jamison said.
He said Netherton had not been charged, but the
facts will be presented to the July session of the Wilson County grand jury.
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