Copyright 2004
by Robert
I. Wall
March 1, 2004
So now we are told to advise
our erstwhile Republican friends that if they don�t vote �our way,� which
of course is the way of the Constitution (you know, that quaint document
nowadays commonly mistaken for toilet paper), that we�ll �stay home� on
Election Day.
The implication, of course,
is that by so doing we will put their careers as double-dealers in jeopardy,
which no one can argue is not a worthy goal. But if we are willing to do just
that to our enemies and the enemies of our country, should we not go further? If
we are willing to see them defeated by our inaction, why not defeat them, by our
The one thing we can count
on, if we countenance their proposed treachery, is more treachery. In spades and
up and down and in and out the gazoo. Face it; for all politicians it�s the
old adage that, �Nothing succeeds like success.� And if they do succeed
without our support, Bend Over America, because Here It Comes Again. And Again. AND AGAIN.
The solution is simple. As I
told Senator George Allen�s receptionist today (2/25/04) when I called,
�Screw me and my rights and I�ll screw George Allen, by voting for his
Democrat opponent.� Just imagine their reaction if the entire, organized,
gun-owning community as a group made this threat! It would take away their
collective breath! Visions of sugar plum fairies, and the loss of their slim
Senate lead, would dance in their heads. Perhaps they would also recall the
words of the late Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen, who said, �When I feel the
heat I see the light.�
Am I proposing we all become
Democrats? Absolutely not (although candidates of any
party who support the Constitution in its entirety, are of course worthy of our
support). Is this a stupid threat? What�s the difference; if they don�t heed
it, what good are they, or most of the candidates and office holders of the
�mainstream� parties to us or our country? Answer in two short words: No
Is it too much to ask our
vaunted leaders to do the right and �modest� thing of... supporting their oath of office to protect and
defend the Constitution? I think not. If they won�t meet this
minimal requirement, do they deserve our support? I think not. If they refuse
any of the above, is there any reason to offer even the slightest support.
Absolutely not.
I repeat, if we withdraw our
support, we are implicitly threatening them with the loss of power. If we are
willing to accept that, but merely by depending on what other
voters may do, should we not be a part of the fray, and
insure that loss of power? If so, what can happen?
First of all, the point has
been made by others, strange as it may seem, that we were �safer� during the
Clinton administration, insofar as we had an opposition which opposed some of
the more drastic measures he proposed (not that our Republican friends didn�t
give us ample proof of their perfidy, as in the abomination known as Lautenberg,
by way of just one example). So divided government can work... as long as the
government is divided between
both parties. Once either one is in complete control, they each appear
united in doing in our rights to meet the requirements of that most important
and informed of all groups (your guessed it!)... the soccer moms!
Second, we would thereby
attempt to force the remaining politicians and party to stand for principle,
even though currently it is difficult to find a single principle beyond bigger
government and more spending aka vote
buying. Face it�most of our politicians are just a few paces in front of the
mob. Very few, if any, have principles and if they do, they keep them hidden.
The only �calculus� I see from too many of them, is �Get
elected, and re-elected, and do it by any means.�
Third, if we stand aside and
they still manage to squeak by, it�s bye-bye to the Second Amendment. We will
have proven ourselves to be an empty threat, deserving of the secret contempt
they have reserved for us gun-owning �yahoos.� The doctors and lawyers and
business people amongst us, they discount as some sort of freaks or aberrations.
The hardworking Joes amongst us they discount as ignoramuses and the peasantry,
forgetting it was just such people, combined, who brought the British Empire to
its knees.
Fourth, if it becomes
necessary to destroy them at the polls, i.e. if they continue to ignore us, then
they will be forced to deal with us in the wreckage of the aftermath, just as
Bill Clinton was. However, it would appear Republicans have forgotten that gun
control cost Clinton control of the Congress. Unless of course they really
believe what they now prefer to whisper about us, the gun owning patriots of
this country, in private, to wit: �Where
Else Will They
Mark Twain once remarked
that, �A cat that sits on a hot stove won�t sit on a hot stove again... or a
cold one.� Of course, there won�t be too many �cool� cats left if we
throw them out. But there will also be plenty of room, and opportunity, for
Constitutionalist TIGERS to replace that forsaken detritus currently
masquerading as statesmen and protectors of our rights (including those rights
under Scottish Law).
Fifth, to those who say we
are helping the Democrats, our threat to withhold our support is doing just that
anyway. (And, by the way, what�s the difference?) What we really would be
doing is helping ourselves to force gutless, lying politicians of both parties
to �do the right thing� or ultimately, to face retribution at the polls.
Once again, that �right thing� is as simple as it is straightforward: Support
and protect and defend the Constitution.
If the Democrats do get in,
the fault can be laid solely at the feet of Republican double-dealers, WHO
And if the Democrats attempt to rape the Constitution, as they also are wont to
do, suffice it to say we can do the very same thing to them, something, shall we
say, of which subsequently they will be keenly aware. Regardless, absent
Republican support for the Constitution and the rule of law, it will be clear
beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can expect no succor from them. They should
therefore expect no succor from us; they should however, expect the �eternal
hostility� enunciated by Thomas Jefferson.
Sixth, perhaps we will
hopefully watch the Republicans thereafter scurry. Hopefully watch them change
their tune. Hopefully watch them (can it be possible?) take a stand. There is no
question that right now they are wavering. But wavering (and feigned humility)
isn�t enough, especially for the day after
Election Day, and later, when those six-year senate terms begin. The two choices
(there are no more) that we must give them, YES,
GIVE THEM, are: Change now or change
later, after you have been kicked out of office, after you have lost your power,
after you have lost your perks, after you have lost your fat paychecks (but not
the bloated pensions) you have voted yourselves, after WE have prostrated you
and your party.
But yet, suppose it doesn�t
work. Suppose the Republicans take power once again, and once again proceed to
subvert and shred the Constitution. Have we really lost ANYTHING?
Is this what we wish to subsidize and promote and preserve for our children and
grandchildren? Isn�t it truly time for us to get out, even if it means waiting
for the right party or man or both, to come along and who will also be attracted
to our numbers and our refusal to no longer be the goat? And won�t we thereby
attract the others of our increasingly disaffected citizenry? Or do we grovel
and beg for a bone by which to defend our beloved Constitution, say a muzzle
loader capable of three shots a minute, if you�re �really good?� And if
�they� allow it.
it�s sink or swim time. If they don�t support the Constitution, both parties
must be abandoned by us. At the same time, we have no choice but to inflict the
maximum, yes maximum damage and
punishment upon those who are in office, who pose as our friends and who, right
now, are getting ready to sell us out... by
routing them from office. It�s
time to teach both parties, if necessary by making an example of the
Republicans, that we the people are indeed sovereign, AND NOW, WILL ACT THE
SOVEREIGN. We will dismiss, and continue to dismiss from office the
incompetent, the subversive and the traitor, up to and only until we get the
competent, the faithful and the loyal.
Otherwise, it�s BOHICA time
from them both.
article may be reprinted freely, in part or in its entirety, provided that
credit is given to the author and KeepAndBearArms.com as the publisher.