NYC Cops Learn From the Best
-- Common Criminals!
from Cliff
[email protected]
1900 Hours, Monday March 26th, 2001 -- In a city like New York City, one of the biggest
problems you face in home security and crime prevention is restricting access to
your apartment building's interior common areas by criminals. Sadly, the weakest
link in your security is unfortunately your stupidest neighbor. All uninvited
trespassers, from the unwanted solicitor to the burglar and ultimately the
violent predator, know and rely on this very fact. Typically, entry is gained by
placing both hands across the building's intercom calling board and pressing as
many buttons as possible. All the creep, up to no good, has to do is wait a
moment for the building idiot to let him in without any attempt at
identification. Now our citizen of the underworld has free reign to do as he
Earlier this evening, my intercom buzzed. I answered and requested the
identity of the caller. There was NO reply. I also was aware that there were the
other voices of my neighbors on the intercom system trying to ascertain the same
thing -- who the "visitor" was. As I ALWAYS do, I promptly descended
the three floors of stairs to the lobby to stop any uninvited individuals who
were NOT "licensed and privileged" to be in my building.
There is a history of burglaries, muggings, armed robberies, and assorted
mischief by youths NOT belonging in this building. There have been many
occasions where I have escorted offending
trespassers out of the building. (This does not even include the numerous
occasions where I have also shown the door to "Early Sunday Morning
Saviors," uninvited solicitors, and restaurant
delivery menu pushers / "I-am-NOT-home-Flag installers.")
Upon my arrival to the lobby, I witnessed a uniformed NYC Police Officer
pinning something up on the bulletin board by the bank of resident mailboxes. I
asked him, "is everything O.K.?" He nodded affirmatively. I then
inquired, "did you call on the intercom? His reply was, "yes." I
then asked, "why didn't you identify yourself when I asked you to do
so?" His reply was, "I rang several of the apartments." I then
asked, "why did you lay your hands across the intercom board pressing as
many buttons as you could?" With that he gave me a gruff look and left the
Well, you ask, what was he doing in my lobby anyway? I'll tell you.
He was a willing, active participant in the promotion of New York City's
policy using Nazi tactics to turn neighbor against neighbor by offering a reward
to secret informants on members of our population belonging to an unpopular
class of citizens. (And do NOT tell me that he was ordered to do so. The
Nuremberg defense is NOT valid.) The program is "OPERATION GUN-STOP."
Please see the links below for an image of the flyers being used, worded
precisely as were the 3-1/2 x 4-1/2 inch cards that this "member of
service" in New York City's finest in blue was pinning to my lobby's
bulletin boards -- UNINVITED and WITHOUT PERMISSION!
NYC Gunstapo's "Turn in Your Neighbor" Flyers
English Version
Spanish Version
(equal rights tyranny)
So, it's NOT just government you have to worry about anymore -- beware of
your neighbors -- whether misinformed, vengeful with a grudge, or just plain
hard-up for cash.
Please see the contact links below, as well as the telephone numbers for
Mayor Rudolph W. Giulianni's radio call-in programs. We must take over the
agenda of his programs and publicly confront him on this policy of oppression of
our U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights Article II Protections. Please also see
below for article XII of the New York State Constitution, as well as the New
York State Consolidated Law containing our Civil Rights legislation.
Thank you.
With Liberty, Cliff
� We must do it for the Children -- RKBA!
� Ask yourself regularly: "Have I been screwed by the government
� The 1st Amendment protects free speech -- the 2nd guarantees it!
� Always ask, "Why do both criminals and governments LOVE gun
� Always seek out, identify, and destroy contradictions to our
Liberty -- but, NEVER forget. We must learn from history!
The Official New York City Website
Office of the Mayor
The Honorable Rudolph W. Giuliani
City Hall New York, NY 10007
(212) 788-9600 Voice (212) 788-7476 Fax
Radio Shows (Call early, the lines are always busy)
Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mayor
Every Friday from 11:00 to 11:45 AM Radio Call-in Program WABC Radio (770 AM)
Call 1-800-848-WABC (9222) during this radio show
First Thursday of Every Month from 7:00 to 8:00 PM Radio Call-in Program WCBS
Radio (880 AM) Call 1-800-268-8227 during this radio show.
Every Sunday at 10:10 AM Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's Weekly Radio Address
WINS Radio (1010 AM) (212) 397-1010 Ben Mevorach, News Director (212) 315-7090
The New York City Council:
Councilmember Address book:
Councilmember Email List:
Simultaneously send a message to all who have email (45 of 51): [email protected]
Local Laws:
New York State Laws:
New York State Consolidated Laws:
Title WA400 (This is where the text of the dreaded Sullivan Law of 1917 is
NYC Police Department Web Site:
Police Commissioner Bernard B. Kerik:
Chief of Department:
Auxiliary Police - Patrol Services Bureau COMMANDING OFFICER AUXILIARY POLICE
11424 (718) 520-9243
Mayor Guiliani Delivers Eighth and Final "State of the City"
Address, Tuesday, January 9, 2001:
New York State Constitution
ARTICLE XII Defense Section 1.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an
obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for
the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an
organized militia.
New York State Consolidated Laws
Civil Rights, Bill of Rights
ARTICLE 2, Section 4. Right to keep and bear arms. A well regulated militia
being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep
and bear arms cannot be infringed.