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Texans' fear over drill 'very American'
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The Texans who fret about the U.S. Army occupying Texas are thus doing Americans the service of reminding the nation of its anti-militaristic, anti-imperial origins. Their worry about their guns is an imperfect echo of the Second Amendment�s original purpose. The gun-toting folks� role as the nation�s unconscious conscience isn�t an accident. In a general sense, they often share the framers� classical republican-libertarian values of self-government and the avoidance of foreign entanglements. When the country today updates those values to the point of rejecting them, it�s important to know that we�re doing so -- and to recognize the costs.
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CRIME � PRESCOTTE STOKES III, NOLA.COM | THE TIMES-PICAYUNE SHARE ➚ Suspect shot by homeowner in eastern New Orleans burglary The New Orleans Police Department is investigating a shooting in eastern New Orleans on Wednesday (July 22) where a homeowner fired several shots at three suspects burglarizing his home. Police said the homeowner hit one of the suspects in the thigh while the other two remain at large. PUBLISHED: July 22, 2015 - http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2015/07/08/dimitri-karras-the-founder-of-ares-armor-tells-us-his-side-of-the-story/ Dimitri Karras, the Founder of Ares Armor, Tells Us His Side of the Story Posted July 8, 2015 -
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anyone one who thinks that are Government wouldn't turn on its citizens knows very little history