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NY: The Prosecutors and the Pagans: Two Sides of the Empire State�s Gun Laws
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Early this month, members of the gun-control group Prosecutors Against Gun Violence met at a �Manhattan Summit� and took the time to express their dismay and alarm over federal bills proposing national concealed carry reciprocity. At the group�s news conference, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr., explained that if the �dangerous� reciprocity legislation passes, someone from neighboring Vermont, �where there are no permit requirements, could come into New York City with a loaded gun, come to Times Square, go to the subways and be amongst us in our communities.� |
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Lions, tigers and bears, OH my!!!! |
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They already do. Criminals don't obey laws and think nothing of carrying a gun anywhere they please. Reciprocity would only change things for law abiding people that are not causing any problems. |