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Stand Your Ground is a License to Kill. Repeal It.
Submitted by: David Williamson

There are 6 comments on this story
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In 2005, Florida�s Stand Your Ground law was created to give average community members a way to protect themselves if they thought their lives were in danger, shielding them from legal repercussions. In 2012, it was used as a dubious defense by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin. A year earlier, Zimmerman had called in to report a �suspicious person� in the Sanford neighborhood and then disregarded orders to remain in his vehicle � not exactly the self-protection envisioned when Stand Your Ground was enacted.

Comment by: hisself (2/6/2018)
What a blatant lie! 'Stand your ground' had nothing to do with Zimmerman's defense.

'SYG' basically eliminates the duty to flee from a situation where your life is in danger. In Zimmerman's case, he was on the ground, with an assailant on top of him, bashing his head on the concrete. He had no way to retreat, so SYG did not enter in to the situation. It was pure and simple self defense.


Comment by: hisself (2/6/2018)
Why Stand Your Ground is necessary:

Years ago, in NJ (which still does not have SYG), a man was in his home when somebody broke in. The home owner retreated to his basement for safety. When the burglar came into the basement and attacked him, the home owner shot the assailant.

The home owner was charged and convicted because there was a way out of the basement to the back yard, and under the law, he had the duty to retreat.

Stand your ground eliminates that duty, and allows self defense anywhere that you have a legal right to be.

WARNING: I am not a lawyer, and anything I say is subject to being wrong. Your mileage may vary. This comment was written on a computer in which peanuts are present. Contents may be hot.

Comment by: dasing (2/6/2018)
This person is racist, SYG helps more minorities, who rarely have the money to defend themselves, to withstand the onslaught of the government!!!

Comment by: MarkHamTownsend (2/6/2018)
License to kill? BS! It isn't a license to kill , it simply means you don't have to retreat. It must still be self defense. Murder has always been and remains a crime.
I hate this politically driven rhetorical drivel.

Comment by: PHORTO (2/6/2018)
C. Crump is a lying negro STING-ker!

Comment by: MarkHamTownsend (2/6/2018)
Oh one more thing.....George Zimmerman DID NOT use the SYG law in his defense. It was brought up in trial, but formed NO PART OF DEFENSE CASE.
Another lie by the author.

Those, who have the command of the arms in a country are masters of the state, and have it in their power to make what revolutions they please. [Thus,] there is no end to observations on the difference between the measures likely to be pursued by a minister backed by a standing army, and those of a court awed by the fear of an armed people. � Aristotle, as quoted by John Trenchard and Water Moyle, An Argument Shewing, That a Standing Army Is Inconsistent with a Free Government, and Absolutely Destructive to the Constitution of the English Monarchy [London, 1697].

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