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WA: I-1639 Saga- Opponents Speak Out, Battle Ground Council Takes Stance
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
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The Battle Ground City Council has taken a position on Initiative 1639, deferring to the courts on the constitutionality of the gun control measure. Battle Ground Mayor Mike Dalesandro read an official statement from the council during its May 6 meeting, preceding testimony by several community members both against and in support of I-1639. The initiative, passed by Washington state voters last November, imposes restrictions on ownership of semi-automatic rifles ranging from age of purchase, interstate sales, mandating safety classes for purchases and regarding storage and liability on those firearms if used to commit a crime.
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Domestic Enemy definition Definition: Domestic Enemies (to the U.S. Constitution) are those who manipulate the law or lawmakers to violate the Founder�s intent, remove their safeguards, distort, circumvent, or in any way threaten the Constitution, threaten sovereignty, infringe upon state and individual rights, usurp authority, advance tyranny,... Reference: www.spwickstrom.com/domestic/ |
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Stripeseven -
States do not have rights, they have POWERS. Individuals have RIGHTS.
Words mean things. |
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." � The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the "Educating Heart Summit" in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate |