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VA: Let�s work together to reduce gun violence
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
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Let�s work together to reduce gun violence. Require gun violence incidents, violent behavior, restraining orders, mental health records, �no fly� lists, criminal warrants and convictions and the like to be recorded in a nationwide automated system with effective retrieval to restrict purchase of all guns, and allow judges, if warranted, to remove guns from people on those lists.
Require and fund a CDC study on gun violence. Ban high-powered rapid-fire weapons, large ammunition clips, and bump stocks. |
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As long as 'working together' excludes further restrictions on the liberty of non-criminal, peaceable, law-abiding citizens, indeed let's DO.
But that isn't what you're talking about, now IS it?
So, stick one thumb in your mouth and the other in that unmentionable place, and 'work' on THAT. |