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FL: We need a sensible dialogue on guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

There are 3 comments on this story
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As the state lobbyist for the National Rifle Association likes to point out, it�s the illegal possession of guns that kills people.

But what solutions have the NRA and other gun organizations offered as helpful resolutions to gun violence � outside of keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill?


They�re not interested in life.

They are only interested in guns.

How does an order of no possession of guns or ammunition work if no one checks whether the person receiving the injunctive order is a registered gun owner?

Comment by: xqqme (9/5/2015)
The author questions, "How does an order of no possession of guns or ammunition work if no one checks whether the person receiving the injunctive order is a registered gun owner?"

The answer: ...exactly how all laws work. Laws anticipate the majority will comply, as law-abiding members of society, according to their conscience, while law-breakers will have to be caught (by investigation or accident), and duly punished for their transgression.

This is true because we live in a free society, not a prison with "minders" watching our every move. (And, even in prisons, law-breakers will continue to break the rules! )

Comment by: PHORTO (9/5/2015)
Audrey is a dimwit.

"They are not interested in life, they are only interested in guns."

No, you moron. They are interested in LIBERTY.

Now, go lick the hand that feeds you.

Comment by: jac (9/6/2015)
Here's a sensible dialogue on guns.

Gun laws and restrictions only restrict the honest citizens who aren't the problem.

Criminals will get guns regardless of laws. By definition criminals do not obey the law. Additional gun laws and restrictions will not reduce crimes and violence.

If you are really interested in reducing gun deaths, lock up the gang bangers, and criminals that are breaking the laws. That has been a proven strategy to reduce crimes and violence.

Leave my guns alone. They are not hurting anyone.

The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society. � MARK SKOUSEN

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