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IL: Taking guns away is unconstitutional
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
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My stance is no secret. If someone asks me I�m going to tell them, we all have a right to own guns.
Taking them away is unconstitutional and I prefer not to die due to home invasion of any other situation that involves self deference.
Yes, if you haven�t guessed it already, I am republican.
But my political views have very little to do with my pro-gun opinion.
I think there should be classes you have to take to be able to own a gun or a gun license.
Oh wait, there is, it�s called the Firearm Owners Identification Card, ladies and gentlemen and any sane, law-abiding citizen fills it out, if they want a gun. |
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Requiring government permission is also unconstitutional to practice a civil, natural, and constitutional right. Oh wait, I see your from Il. Yep, it works so well in Chicago. The rest of us don't have to ask permission in the actual USA. |