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Why the Bill of Rights Would Never Pass Today
Submitted by:
Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
is 1 comment
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"Having watched closely the manner in which questions of liberty and power are batted around in the first part of the 21st century � most recently during the disgraceful contretemps that Indiana�s rather tame Religious Freedom Restoration Act provoked across the land � I have come to wonder of late whether the Bill of Rights could be ratified today." ...
"To run down the list is to see the modern objections fall neatly into place. As it is so often, the Second Amendment would be cast as a recipe for 'Wild West' anarchy, an open invitation to sedition for those white, mountain-dwelling racists of the Southern Poverty Law Center�s nightmares, and an overture to the execution of children. ..." ... |
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"Americans now live in a country in which it is presumed that the national authorities can do whatever they wish unless they are checked."
Exactly so, and Pete DeFazio confirmed that fact at a "town meeting" in Oregon, when he responded to a question about constitutional authority, "Yeah, we can pretty much do whatever we want." |