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FL: Does the Second Amendment really keep us safe?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

There are 4 comments on this story
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Seeing news about shootings or acts of gun violence should never be something to which we become accustomed. These events will keep happening if the amendment is not questioned. I would rather see more regulation in the Second Amendment than feel unsafe everywhere I go. The Bill of Rights was written over 200 years ago, and maybe the Second Amendment was more applicable during that time. Currently, I feel that it's depriving me of my safety rather than giving me the ability to protect myself.

Comment by: dasing (5/19/2017)
2A protects law-abiding firearm owners, NOT CRIMINALS!

Comment by: MarkHamTownsend (5/19/2017)
Sorry, more than one study has determined that the number of honest people using firearms to defend themselves exceed the number of murders in America by many factors.
The corrupt news media will not report this fact, and the "if it bleeds, it leads" media mentality gives viewers a wrong impression.

Comment by: PHORTO (5/19/2017)
imes change, but principles don't. The principle codified in the Second Amendment remains unchanged by social conditions. At any point in the continuum of history you choose, the strong will always have the ability to prey upon the weak, the large will always have the ability to prey upon the small, the young will always have the ability to prey upon the aged, and the government will always have the ability to prey upon the people, by the very nature of government itself. That can't change, because it is natural law. It is this acknowledgement of the immutability of natural law that convinced the framers to include the guarantee of the people's right to arms for defense of themselves, their families, their communities and their country.

Comment by: PHORTO (5/19/2017)
Times change, but principles don't. The principle codified in the Second Amendment remains unchanged by social conditions. At any point in the continuum of history you choose, the strong will always have the ability to prey upon the weak, the large will always have the ability to prey upon the small, the young will always have the ability to prey upon the aged, and the government will always have the ability to prey upon the people, by the very nature of government itself. That can't change, because it is natural law. It is this acknowledgement of the immutability of natural law that convinced the framers to include the guarantee of the people's right to arms for defense of themselves, their families, their communities and their country.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. � Thomas Jefferson

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