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An Open Letter to Those Who Support the Student Anti-Gun Movement!
Submitted by:
Chris Wagoner
Website: http://chriswagoner.us
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After reading and watching the reports about the �national� day of protest recently, and listening to dozens of media talking heads tell us just how �great�, �fantastic� and �mature� these high school students are, I almost lost my logical, calm mind.
Enough is enough! First off, the State of Florida just passed a law stating that 18-20 year-olds are not old enough, mature enough, and cannot be trusted to buy firearms of any kind. Hold on! Why am I supposed to listen to the voices of high school kids when it comes to firearms and gun violence, yet I cannot trust those same kids until they turn 21? How does that make sense?
The rest is at the link... |
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They should also raise the voting age to 21. That was part of the argument when they lowered the age to 18, you could buy a gun and serve in the military, then you should be able to vote. |
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Excellent letter.
But I'd replace the last sentence with "Until then, shut up and go away."
Selah. |