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GA: Another Massive Gun Grab Bill (Re) Introduced
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
is 1 comment
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At a time when our nation struggles, everyone�s first and foremost concern is the safety of themselves and their loved ones. However, this doesn't stop Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) from pushing a massive gun grab bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would leave law-abiding Americans defenseless. Rep. Johnson's bill, H.R. 5717, the Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act, is nothing "new" or "innovative" for the gun control crowd in Congress. As we reported on failed presidential candidate and Senator Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) companion bill earlier this year, Rep. Johnson took the same route of copying proposals already offered by his colleagues in Congress and packaged them into one bill with his name on it. Very bold. |
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This CBC nitwit is the same Johnson who posited that the island nation of Guam would tip over from too many people gathered on one side.
Facially obvious lamebrains like this man don't belong in Congress, or in any other position of power. |
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.� Benjamin Franklin Historical Review of Pennsylvania. [Note: This sentence was often quoted in the Revolutionary period. It occurs even so early as November, 1755, in an answer by the Assembly of Pennsylvania to the Governor, and forms the motto of Franklin's "Historical Review," 1759, appearing also in the body of the work. � Frothingham: Rise of the Republic of the United States, p. 413. ] |