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PA: The roadblock to common-sense gun laws
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
are 3 comments
on this story
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Sadly, as the recent shootings in Atlanta and Boulder show us, in America it always seems to be an appropriate time to talk about basic gun measures.
Before we go any further, let�s get one thing out of the way: In spite of what �Big Gun� likes to say, no legislation has been proposed that would result in taking legally owned guns away from law-abiding Americans. Most Americans support gun ownership for self-defense, hunting, and sport, but also feel there is a need for better common-sense regulation. |
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Not yet. They have to get them registered first, and that law is already on the books in several states.
Make no mistake. The liberals want to take your guns. All of them.
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We know they want our guns.
"Bingo! If you have an AR-15 or an AK-47 we are going to take them ...../.....they should be illegal, PERIOD." ~~ Joe "Ponysoldier" Biden, on two occasions. |
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Re title:
The roadblock to common-sense gun laws -
The U.S. Constitution |