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NH: Before you debate gun rights, read �Heller�
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
are 4 comments
on this story
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There have been any number of letters and op-eds about guns, their place in our society, who has the right to own them and if any of these firearms can or should be regulated.
This article is not so much about my opinion but perhaps an outline for the parameters on a discussion on understanding that the Second Amendment is not an absolute right without allowable limitations. |
Comment by:
"Dangerous and unusual" is not an open-ended categorization.
It is determined by historical and traditional public understanding of same.
It is not "upgradable".
Arms as publicly understood at the time of the ratification of the Second Amendment meant those similar or identical to those normally issued to standing troops.
U.S. v. Miller recognized this, and said so in precise terms: "any part of the ordinary military equipment".
This author does what all leftists do - misdirects, misidentifies, redefines and twists demonstrable facts in an attempt to discredit known and accepted principles. |
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The NRA is on autopilot.
Fact: Republicans control the presidency and the Senate.
This stuff is DOA.
I know we must still be vigilant, but JESUS.
Take a breath, willya? |
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("dangerous and unusual" is misposted here. It's for another article.) |
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(correction of the correction - the "autopilot" response doesn't belong here, not the "dangerous and unusual" response) |