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MI: Restraining orders and guns shouldn't mix
Submitted by:
Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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on this story
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�It may be an exaggeration to say that some Michigan lawmakers want to arm abusers.�
�But not by much.�
�Michigan's Legislature has approved a law, ostensibly aimed at standardizing the way concealed-weapons permits are issued, that also eliminates a state provision barring individuals subject to a personal protection order from obtaining such permits.�
�Personal protection orders, also called restraining orders, are typically issued by a court when there's reason to believe a person is in danger. The subject of the order is generally barred from contacting the threatened person, visiting the person's home or place of employment, stalking or assaultive behavior. �� � |
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While many, (or most) ROs have a reasonable basis for a court to issue an emergent trend is causing a disturbingly large number across the nation that do not. Anti- gun advocates are abusing/manipulating this legitimate court power to "influence" subsequent proceedings or to coerce, ( by threat or action), the defendant into accepting their terms of settlement.
It is hardly the objective of these laws to empower one party in a dispute over another. But its often the result when a court doesn't offer opportunity for the subject of its orders to offer rebuttal. |
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google an article "Hitting below the belt.." by Cathy Young to understand just how insidious this RO scheme is. and then after an RO, even a TRO you lose your gun rights, don't even have to know there is a court case, don't have to b e there. |