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CA: We can curb gun violence and still honor the Second Amendment.
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
are 3 comments
on this story
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Gun violence is a national crisis. This year alone, over 50,000 gun violence incidents have resulted in 12,904 deaths, a number that is likely to be higher after this issue goes to print. These statistics do not include the roughly 22,000 annual suicides by a firearm.
As a former prosecutor, I fought to bring criminals to justice, support victims of violence and reduce gun violence. Now, as the U.S. Representative of California�s 20th congressional district, I promote and advance common sense solutions to help prevent gun violence across the country. |
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How about honoring the Second Amendment and making a stronger effort in controlling criminal activity. The "Catch and Release" program doesn't seem to be working to good. The continual attempts of corrupt, oath breaking elected officials, trying to justify their jobs, at the expense of law abiding citizens, is a crime in itself. |
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Yes more can be done. Lock the criminals up and throw away the key. That is the only thing that works. As long as the politicians push liberal sentencing, low or no bail, probation instead of jail, crime and gun violence will only increase.
All the laws proposed by the air headed liberals will not do anything to reduce crime or gun violence. Criminals and wackos don't obey laws. All the laws will do is place more restrictions on law abiding citizens that are not the problem. |
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let's reduce the gun crime that we are exposed to on television every night. And I'm not talking about the nightly news. Almost every evening the networks kill, murder and rape, and the cops shoot every bad guy... that's the real 'gun' problem. |