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TX: Instead of Listening to Texans, Gov. Greg Abbott Knocks Out Another Category of Weapons
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Following last session�s elimination of the �illegal knives� category, including Bowie knives and daggers, Texas once again jumps the gun on passing up smarter laws regulating guns in favor of expanding the limits of open carry for other weapons.
Beginning September 1, 2019 Texans will now be legally permitted to have brass knuckles and clubs, in addition to other self-defense keychains made with the intent to strike a person.
HB 446, signed by Gov. Greg Abbott, effectively removes brass knuckles from the prohibited weapons list set forth by the Texas Penal Code, and removes clubs from the unlawful to carry list.
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What predicable progressive poppycock. |
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Maybe he was listening to Texans.
Criminals don't obey the law anyway, so this only affects law abiding citizens. |