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Science Should Trump Politics In Gun Debate
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: http://keepandbeararms.com
are 2 comments
on this story
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It claims the lives of approximately 30,000 Americans each year. It plagues people at home, at work, at places of worship, and at play. It creates lifelong disabilities. It leaves families and communities scarred. It causes health care costs to rise dramatically. It is gun violence, and its ills resemble a public health crisis. In the past, the federal government has rallied resources to fight public health crises. The spread of HIV/AIDS, tobacco-related deaths and motor vehicle fatalities were all met with coordinated government intervention. |
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Reason, not emotionally spun science, should guide us. As if outlawing guns would slow the murders in Chicago. |
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"As if outlawing guns would slow the murders in Chicago." ~~ Sosalty.
Hey, Sosalty, aren't guns ALREADY illegal in Chicago? And yet the libtards whine that the Chicagoans get their guns from nearby localities .... which causes me to wonder why, if guns cause violence, then why aren't those nearby locations as violent or even more so than Chicago. But hey, I stopped expecting logic from libtards a long time ago.
And don't tell me the libtards REALLY want to approach the violence problem ..... "scientifically. THERE'S a JOKE! |
"Some people think that the Second Amendment is an outdated relic of an earlier time. Doubtless some also think that constitutional protections of other rights are outdated relics of earlier times. We The People own those rights regardless, unless and until We The People repeal them. For those who believe it to be outdated, the Second Amendment provides a good test of whether their allegiance is really to the Constitution of the United States, or only to their preferences in public policies and audiences. The Constitution is law, not vague aspirations, and we are obligated to protect, defend, and apply it. If the Second Amendment were truly an outdated relic, the Constitution provides a method for repeal. The Constitution does not furnish the federal courts with an eraser." --9th Circuit Court Judge Andrew Kleinfeld, dissenting opinion in which the court refused to rehear the case while citing deeply flawed anti-Second Amendment nonsense (Nordyke v. King; opinion filed April 5, 2004) |