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Man�s fondness for guns creates dangerous situations
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
are 3 comments
on this story
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In a recent column Eugene Robinson asks why we can�t pass gun safety legislation in this country. He notes that guns killed over 43,000 Americans last year � more than 19,000 homicides and 24,000 suicides. We have a problem, yet we do nothing.
The facts are clear. Owning a gun does not make us safer. It makes us more likely to get murdered. It makes a member of our household far more likely to be shot by the gun we own than the very slim chance that we use it in self-defense. It makes us a target for theft because thieves like to steal guns. And a gun in the house dramatically increases the chance that a member of the household who tries to commit suicide will succeed. |
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Let's ignore the 1-2 million incidents each year in which law abiding people lawfully defend themselves and loved ones with guns.
Because facts are really inconvenient and ruin our storyline. |
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It makes me safer. If I called the police I would be lucky if they showed up in 20 minutes.
And whether or not this stooge realizes it, it makes him safer too. There would be a lot more robberies, burglaries, assaults and murders if the criminals didn't have to worry about encountering a victim with a gun.
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"The facts are clear."
Indeed they are, but instead of debunking the author's misinformation masquerading as "facts," let me state the one preemptive fact that he can't ignore:
Bearing arms is a fundamental, natural right. In the United States, fundamental, natural rights are recognized and constitutionally protected. None of the rest of his 'argument' matters.
That one fact castrates his opinion. |