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PRAGER U: What Should We Do About Guns?
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: http://keepandbeararms.com
is 1 comment
on this story
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Would stricter gun laws reduce gun violence? Could gun control measures in places like Australia work in America? Nicholas Johnson, professor of Law at Fordham University, explains that gun ownership is so pervasive in this country that even if the American people were to fully participate in an Australian-style �gun buyback,� you�d still have 200 million guns in private hands in this country. |
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Embrace our Bill of Rights, with every right comes responsibility. Gun safety begins with Eddie Eagle in K - 3, revive high school 4-H shooting clubs, provide incentives to complete gun safety classes, and reform liability laws to favor those who use a gun in self defense and deep pocket businesses can't be sued for their employees legal actions involving gun use. |
...If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious. � Teddy Roosevelt - May 12, 1900 |