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Former State Department official calls out US gun policy with Mexico in wake of cartel massacre
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�Guns in Mexico are essentially American guns,� Rubin said. �Imagine a river flowing south from the United States full of guns and weapons -- that's what's happening in Mexico every day.�
Submitter's note:
Obama appointee. The liberals don't want to admit it, but many of the guns including virtually ALL of the full automatic weapons are coming from South America.
Do they actually expect us to believe that the cartels that are smuggling tons of cocaine, marijuana, fentanyl and humans can't get guns from anywhere in the world that they want.
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This claim is phony as a $3 bill. There is only a fraction of the weapons seized or recovered that are run for origin, and the percentage claimed pertains only to that small fraction. 70% of 3% is quite different than what is being portrayed.
Second, the cartels use fully-automatic weapons. They cannot be sold in the U.S. if manufactured after 1984. The ones legally in Americans' possession were purchased at a premium of probably five times the actual value, due to the availability pursuant to that law, and they aren't going to sell them.
The guns causing all the havoc are black-market items supplied by corrupt Mexican military personnel, and international arms dealers who have paid a tribute to be ignored by the Mexican authorities. |