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VA: Va. Dems Push Off Gun Legislation
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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However, the Democrat-controlled state Senate rejected the governor�s bill banning assault weapons, which included semiautomatic rifles, in January. State lawmakers originally agreed to take this particular bill up again in January 2021, but legislators now report they plan to dedicate the rest of the session to less controversial matters.
Officials said time was limited in this session due to other legislative duties, such as police reform efforts and the need to conduct business virtually due to the pandemic.
In response to the legislation passed this year, anti-gun control advocates plan to hold a rally at the state capitol on January 18th, which will be similar to the one held last January. |
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Unfortunately, Comrade Northram has fixed it so there cannot be a rally as in past years - instead this will be a "caravan" but I hope just as many 2A supporters participate. |
"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral" |