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WA: Shootings: Guns are scapegoat for mental illness
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Recently CNN quoted Peter Ambler of the Giffords organization as stating: �It�s not mental illness, it�s hate and guns.�
I�m not sure, but I don�t believe hating something so much that one chooses to kill is an example of sound mental health.
Gun control zealots want to vilify all firearms and the hundreds of millions of people who own them. The overwhelming majority of these owners are law-abiding citizens who would never consider harming others, except for self defense. |
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Good point, but "hate" and "intolerance" are not mental illnesses, and you've got to be careful going there. The Soviet Union committed and imprisoned thousands upon thousands based upon arbitrarily designating "anti-social behavior" as mental illness, and that encompassed any behavior the government didn't like.
Absent a current crime, there must be a documented history of violence that establishes probable cause upon clear and convincing evidence. If no crime has yet been committed and there is no history of violence, probable cause to issue a warrant simply doesn't exist. Rights cannot be suspended/denied based upon what a person "might" do unless it can be demonstrated that s/he has done it before. |