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AK: An AR-15 Ban would be Asinine
Submitted by:
Corey Salo
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Understanding the political Left is a mind-boggling exercise for normal Americans.
One need only take a peek at its clown car - now a Greyhound bus, actually - of hopefuls vying for the Democratic nod in next year�s presidential election to see why. While the front-runners are wrong on every issue, they are completely off the hook when it comes to the one that warms the cockles of their hearts, and the one they seemingly know least about - guns, and AR-15s in particular.
On that issue, they are foaming-at-the-mouth nuts.
Democrats recently have veered hard left on guns.
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Good article, EXCEPT:
"The rifle has the same action as tens of millions of other sporting rifles and handguns � which, inexplicably, would remain unaffected."
Think again; these bans target all semi-auto rifles that use a detachable magazine, or hold more than 10 rounds internally, with the exception of tube-fed .22lr's.
"You can bet handguns would be in the crosshairs if AR-15s were banned."
Except that the SCOTUS has already held that the right to keep and bear commonly-owned handguns is constitutionally protected. Not so modern utility rifles. That may be coming soon, but how soon, nobody knows. |