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Hillary Wants Your Guns, And wants you to help her grab them
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Hillary Clinton will continue President Obama�s anti-Second Amendment crusade � and seems to think she can get law-abiding gun owners to help her.
Speaking at a rally in Hartford, Connecticut Thursday, Clinton vowed to end America�s �gun culture� if elected. �We can do this consistent with the Second Amendment,� Clinton claimed.
"We can do this with the support of responsible gun voters," she continued. "And that is exactly what we will do." How exactly Clinton thinks restrictions placed on a freedom guaranteed by the Second Amendment can be consistent with the Second Amendment, she did not say. |
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She has her own reality, completely seperate from the rest of us.!! |
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Chelsea finally became a genius on the subject the moment she became a mother.
See guys, unless you have functioning ovaries AND unprotected sex, you don't know **** about civil rights, so it's up to you to just shut up and do what Chelsea's hormones tell her to do. |