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The NRA Wants You To Be Afraid, So They Tell You Lies
Submitted by: David Williamson

There are 3 comments on this story
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On Friday, Inflatable Front Yard Halloween Pumpkin Donald Trump finally admitted that the President of the United States was born in the United States. It was national news, because everything Trump says is national news. The Birther conspiracy is/was among Trump's biggest lies, and it was the catalyst for his batshit political ascension. But another well-known Trump lie is that Hillary Clinton "wants to take your guns." As in, upon taking office, she will literally instruct law enforcement officials to come into your house and violate your Constitutional rights. That entire premise is a lie.

Comment by: lbauer (9/21/2016)
As expected with these hit pieces, no way to leave a comment on the article itself.
Of course Hillary doesn't want to repeal the Second Amendment. She just wants to neuter it with legislation from a liberal Supreme Court.
She disagrees with the Heller and McDonald decisions.
She likes the Australian solution.
Those all effectively involved bans on private ownership of handguns.

Comment by: PHORTO (9/21/2016)
The desperation is palpable.


That means that the NRA is doing things right.

As is Mr. Trump.

Comment by: MarkHamTownsend (9/21/2016)
"As in, upon taking office, she will literally instruct law enforcement officials to come into your house and violate your Constitutional rights."

OK let's ignore her statement admiring the Australian's solution (gun confiscation). She wants to reinstate the assault weapon ban.
She wants to appoint judges to SCOTUS that will repeal Heller and other pro 2A decisions.

Ms. Clinton is NO FRIEND of the second amendment.
Why doesn't this author understand that? Is he that ignorant. Stupid? A liar?
Desparate, as an earlier poster said?

Desparate yes ....I say he's a LIAR!!!!

Gentlemen may cry, 'peace, peace'�but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! Is life so precious, or peace so dear, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! � Patrick Henry to the Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775.

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