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The Stroller Brigade That's Pushing Around the NRA
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Mark A. Taff
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Shannon Watts is the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense. She's been an astute observer, and opponent, of the National Rifle Association, which recently released a new video in what might be called its culture-war series. This one features NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch issuing an attack on the New York Times. Addressing the paper directly, Loesch promises, gangland style, "We're coming for you."
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It's only "pushing around the NRA" in cloistered communist enclaves in blue states like CT, MA, NY, WA, OR and CA.
It certainly isn't pushing us around anywhere else.
And with a new Court, that is going to change.
Memo to Shannon Watts: Don't give up your day job. |