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Action Item - Ask Laura Berman, "How many is enough?"

from Kurt Amesbury, J.D.
National States Director

In her recent column, Gun owners who truly believe the power of weapons express themselves, Laura Berman of the Detroit News opines that, "A few true stories [about the successful use of firearms in self-defense] can't -- shouldn't -- do that [change her perception that a "shall issue" law in Michigan would be a bad thing.]

I have written to Ms. Berman asking her to name a number... any number... that would be "enough" stories of successful self-defense to change her mind. My thinking is as follows: If she names a number that is outrageous, say 100 million, then she has identified herself as a fraud. No amount of proof is going to change her mind.

But if she names a more reasonable total - say on the order of 1,000 or even 5,000, we should be able to actually SEND her that many examples... and I will call on you to begin the deluge as soon as we have a figure to "shoot" at.

Until we do, I think it's pointless to try to sway her. She'll just keep raising the bar. For example, she has already received over 400 e-mails, 30 letters and a book... and refers to the stories therein as "a few."

That's where YOU can help. Write to Ms. Berman. Cite her article. Ask her, "How many stories of the successful use of guns to stop crime and save lives do you need before you are willing to switch sides and actively SUPPORT a "shall issue" Michigan concealed carry law?"

If anyone gets an answer, please contact me at once!



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In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all � security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. � EDWARD GIBBON [On ancient Athens]

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